School of Music Studies

Client: School of Music Studies | August 2020 |

Τhe School of Music at the Aristotle University has more than 30 years of experience in the field of music educational practice and research. Their outdated site didn't reflect thir new innovative, modern approach to Music Studies. Emilios Cambouropoulos the head of the department aimed to increase awareness and understanding of their organization through a better web presence by giving their site a complete overhaul. To meet these goals, we designed a custom site that ensures a seamless and sustainable web experience for multiple audiences — students, educators, researchers and music professionals. We chose a colorful palette and icons making the most important content easily comprehensible and accessible to all users. We condensed and organized tons of information in to cohesive and easily-navigated pages. The site structure can easily be changed by the staff, the menus adapt to the structure automatically. The resulting responsive site includes an events calendar where visitors can easily access upcoming and past music events.

With mobile friendly this website scales intuitively to thousands of different screen sizes - from a smartphone to a 27” monitor.


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