
Alchemia-nova GmbH is a research and innovation institute based in Vienna Austria and their mision is to explore new areas by creating circular systems, defining business models of the future, co-creating systemic approaches by enabling new multi-beneficial networks and developing a symbiosis of communities, companies and the people by connecting resource flows.
One of their latest projects is "Kreislaufwirtschaft.at" a platform for citizens, entrepreneurs and decision-makers. It contains easily accessible knowledge, tools and implementation strategies for the conversion of linear waste streams into nutrient cycles in cities. Innovative ideas and solutions for an active circular economy in Austria are provided to enable a dynamic exchange and implementation of the basic principles of the circular economy.
The TD of Alchemia-nova GmbH Johannes Kisser approached us to design a custom website that acts as a resource to convey information, provide tools for finding information and community functions for sharing content. Tools we developed are:
A financial database with filtering and sorting functions
An Interactive Map for finding places where the circular economy is in action, projects and initiatives and an application for user added places on the map.
User added content forms for adding content and sharing it on the website https://kreislaufwirtschaft.at/entdeckungen/inhalt-hinzufuegen/